this year

finished the first year in M.A. degree
taught introduction to world literature 1& 2 and then cinema
started living with elif in binghamton
met gianluca
had lots fun in summer doing the exact same thing every day
drank a lot
read some really good books: war in the age of intelligent machines, the castle, notebooks of malte laurids brigge, the artificial silk girl, the goalie's anxiety at the penalty kick, remembrance of things past
listened to some good music: bloc party, the libertines, clap your hands say yes, stereototal, new order, estopa, negrita, the beatles
saw some really good films: gegen die wand, au hazard balthazar, a man escaped, phantom of liberty, life aquatic with steve zissou, breakfast club, rushmore, bin jip, old boy
fell in love with walter benjamin
spent a lot of money on technology
became obsessed with technology
missed turkey/istanbul/family
missed friends
missed my flight
experienced a ferry accident
had lots of problems with transportation
yeni yil yeni bilgisayar
ee hadi artik yaz buraya da
saga sola comment yazacagina 2006 tarihli bir post koysana
ben bile kirdim tembelligimi
evet la
ozledik yazilarini
her actigimda medusa kafasi cikiyro biraz daha irmakkafasi gormek isteruk!
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