beautiful scenery + brigitte bardot. also fritz lang as the director in the story. the story was compelling too. overall a very good film, but...

but unlike antonioni, bresson or herzog, godard does not trust his images. and unlike hitchcock he does not balance the image with dialogue. he has to feed us with words, words, words.

ideas about everything. meaningful sentences. too much reliance on words.

kind of contradictory for this director who's only aim was to develop a film language as distinct from the language of other arts. his cinematic language loses its power because he is trying to write, trying to imitate literature.

i realized why i don't like godard so much. even though breathless is undoubtedly one of the greatest films anyone could ever watch.

he is simply boring.
simply put, well put
the woman next door'u izlemis miydin peki
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