the moment my laptop felt the wireless, i started writing this entry. because esra was bothering me non-stop.
what i've been up to: morissey, reading, watching alias, howl's moving castle, les temps qui reste...
can't meet with friends during daytime so i spent my days in alternation between reading and watching dizimax shows.
so far i've read all the books that i assigned for the next semester. and also de landa's 1000 years of nonlinear history.
i also read 2 turkish novels.
Pinar Kur- Bir Cinayet Romani (A murder novel)
Reha Camuroglu- Son Yeniceri (Last Jannisary- this is the name given to ottoman soldiers), like his earlier novel Ismail, this novel was really wonderful, both in terms of the narrative and also in terms of the history. i learned a lot of the details of the late ottoman history that we never learn in schools.

we always read history from the side of emperor and hate janissaries cause they always riot. well the story turns out to be more complex than i thought. it was a very well-written novel and makes me think a lot. (also about the current turkish politics)
my reading list:
D & G- 1000 Plateaus
Derrida- Of Grammatology
Derrida- last parts of the Dissemination
Aragon- Paris Peasant
Dos Passos- Manhattan Transfer
Robbe-Grillet- Jealousy
Percy walker- The Moviegoer
John Fante- Ask the Dust
Woolf- To the Lighthouse
Stendhal- Le rouge et noir (this is to work on my french)
Rilke- Letters to a Young Poet
Hornby- All the way down
the only thing i wish for is a communal living with my friends- like the one back in binghamton. an easy life friends where we work but every night gather and drink and chat and watch films.
also esra, my dear friend, i missed you a lot. hope to see you soon.
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