Thursday, September 13, 2007

regular lovers

i could only stand this film in XFF2 format, it was too long, too stylized. and made me ask whether if may 1968 the best thing that ever happened to les francais? i'm fed up with french new wave and its remnants. but louis garrel is very very handsome.


Blogger Unknown said...

This film is probably the best new French film I've seen in this century so far. There have been some great ones including Noe's Irreversible, Green's Le Pont des Arts and Hadzihalilovic's Innocencebut none of them come close to Les Amants Reguliers' timeless glory. The movie is a description of the events of May 68 and what followed in the wake of it and furthermore it is and update of, and a homage to, the Nouvelle Vague-movies of those days. Concerning the depiction of the riots in Paris the movie is meticulously accurate (I'm only 19 and I wasn't there myself but you know what I mean)and the almost real-time and very long riot scenes set the stage perfectly for the aftermath of the events in the streets of Paris. The riots are not glorified or beautifully photographed like the ones in Bertolucci's The Dreamers (to which the movie is comparable in many ways) instead they are filmed in grimy black and white shots courtesy of the excellent William Lubtchansky. abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado online abogado onlineThe love story that is the movie's main concern after the riots in 68 is filmed in stunning and far less blurred shots and manages to evoke true feelings of love and adolescent confusion in the midst of the otherwise politically concerned and seemingly cold environment.

6:47 PM  

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