good things:
1- new smaller laptop (my mom wanted the old one)
2- century avantgardes class i'm taking, special focus on dadaists
3- class on antonio negri, someone i always wanted to learn about
4- will present in CUNY literature and city conference my essay on development of montage, Vertov, Ruttmann and the modern metropolis
5- will go to austin in spring break
6- DADA exhibition in national gallery in washington
7- will go to washington
8- refund checks that i'm quick to spend
9- close reading of derrida in indeendent study with levinson
10-peperoni and ricotto a la dadalo

bad things:
1- mom and friends away
2- lost my favorite and most beautiful necklace supernaturally (long story- basically vanished into thin air, will bother lufthansa about this)
ne uzucu.. su son zamanlarda hep taktigin kolye miydi?
you can download "Empire" here:
please do not forget your new and my most favorite meal: apatoes and spinach a la GLM.
and i am right now quiet sure that your necklace is stolen
and for negri class we have to read Gundrisse
and your futurism is rising
and derrida looks easy for the first time
and i like your hair
and china has suffered
and we will go to washington and boston
and we will go to the oasis of Texas
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