32 short films about glenn gould

recently i came to the conclusion that bach is my favorite composer by far. glenn gould is supposed to be the best bach pianist, i have yet to try other pianists to judge. the film itself was great because it wasn't your ordinary biographical film about a genius. instead the fragments, little interviews, gould's writings and video art the film gives the perfect impression of this eccentric genius.
Epstein (and Friedman) make documentaries by assembling talking heads, news footage, and narration -- they make documentaries about events and phenomena, not about detailing lives as they happen. This is an event timepiece, and it hits a weak spot in me -- it's a good movie regardless, but it twists something that makes my heart ache. The movie itself might not warrant such a high rating, but what it depicts does evoke very strong emotions, specifically in the last half hour: you come out of the movie shattered and raging. It's a very lean hour and-a-half, and it manages to cram in as much of a sense of the time, at least in terms of the gay perspective, as possible. doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor onlineEpstein's movie is about the gay experience, but he's not a propagandist: he's more than willing to show that the Democratic Jimmy Carter didn't want to be photographed with Milk, that his sister offered to "cure" Milk of his homosexuality through religion; and he's open to showing that Ronald Reagan, much despised in the gay community, did not support California's Proposition 6, which would make it legal to fire existing teachers who were openly gay.
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