Wednesday, November 28, 2007

after life

1998 film by hirokazu koreeda. i wish this was an anime and not a film, because it revolves around a great idea but it turned out to be really boring unlike his other films.


Blogger Cesar Fernandez D said...

"When we come to the last moment of this lifetime and we look back across it, the only thing that's going to matter is 'What is the quality of our love?" - Richard Bach . One of the most commonly reported aspects of near-death experiences is the life review, the seeing and re-experiencing of major and trivial events of one's life, sometimes from the perspective of the other people involved. Most say that the single most important lesson they learned is that the actions we think are trivial and unimportant turn out to be the most important, especially ones that involve spontaneous acts of love. doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctorWhile not exactly a life review, in After Life by Hirokazu Koreeda, a group of recently deceased people are asked to look back at their life and choose only one memory from their life that they want to take with them to eternity. The process compels people to look at their life in its entirety and see what worked and what was missing.

5:56 PM  

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