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Monday, November 12, 2007
Hi, another lover of Goldsworthy....
Here is a four minute video that includes a ground art project inspired by Goldsworthy.... by another Scottish artist: Deryk Houston
I admit that for the first 20 minutes or so of this film I wasn't entirely sure I was going to sit through the whole thing. Like many other people, I found it pretty boring, and I wasn't entirely looking forward to an hour and a half of watching this guy bite icicles and stick them together. However, if you sit through the creation of his first work long enough to see the finished product, you get an idea of how impressive the rest of the film is. I really think it's sad that so many people found this impossibly boring or a retread of ideas done by other artists. doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online doctor online Rivers and Tides is a quiet study of some of the artwork and methods of Andy Goldsworthy, who makes his art entirely out of things in nature, generally resulting in pieces that will be consumed by nature through the normal process of entropy. It is slow moving and unglamorous, but I think that a lot of the point of the movie is to show that Goldsworthy's art does not need any accompaniment in order for it to be appreciated. I've even heard people complain about how he is always talking throughout the movie, rather than just letting nature and his artwork speak for themselves, which I just think is madness.
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