body heat

lawrance kasdan's film from 1981 and a film of one of my favorite genres- neo-noir or simply a sexy thriller. in an ideal world i would be teaching a class with these neo-noir films. from chinatown to fatal attraction...i want to watch the accidental tourist and the big chill now because lawrance kasdan might be really good (well except for wyatt earp).
Usually I find movies date really badly. For instance, John Carpenter's Halloween from 1978 is my favorite horror movie and although I like it a lot, I must admit it's dated badly over the years. No doubt due to the literally graphic changes in horror movies. I was thinking the same thing of Body Heat before I stepped into it. I was aware of such blessings it had been given, but kept in mind it was a product of the early 80's. Surely I thought this must be dated by today's standard of erotic dramas & thrillers. This was not the case. doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor This movie has somehow managed to bypass the aging mechanism that movies succumb to. Twenty years after it's debut it still packs it's erotic punch and twisted bag of lies and William Hurt and Kathleen Turner are still the premiere duo of 'hot legs and ultra cool sleaze bags'. I won't bother giving even a morsel of the story to you - this is one you should walk into completely blind to better you viewing experience. If you need more, check out the plot summary or read the back of the movie box.
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