Wednesday, December 12, 2007

grand illusion

renoir's classic prison-break film. what striked me most was how civilized everyone was in the first world war. the underlying story of the dying aristocracy and bourgeoisie on the rise put the film in its socio-political complexity.


Blogger Cesar Fernandez D said...

What makes Grand Illusion a great movie, and the reason that some of us keep returning to it, is that it can't be reduced to a single simple proposition, the way that recent war movies like Platoon ("war bad," to quote Tarantino's synopsis) or Saving Private Ryan ("war senseless") can. It's easy to be sentimental about war, even while deploring it, by focusing on the horror of it or by making heroes out of those who are forced to fight. doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctorRenoir deals instead with the far more complex mesh of differences and alliances that separate and divide our characters. And while his main characters all have a clear class/national/religious identity, he makes much more out of them than just sociological categories.

5:49 PM  

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