jacques audiard's 2005 film. it was very strong, and i bet if i was a guy i would be even more thrilled. it was the story of one guy's losing all his assumptions about masculinity thru falling in love with piano and music.
a great animation about growing up in iran during and after the revolution that betrayed hopes. the underlining theme was the disappointment and disillusionment about revolution, love, marriage and surviving all that. artistically it was stunning too.
the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford
surprisingly a very good film. the friendship, fame, celebrity cults, american history. only problem is casey affleck is so annoying with his little face and voice.
great documentary about how mpaa is a terrible vicious corporate organization that has nothing to do with protecting the creativity of the film artists. they only protect big studio interests. the two things they do and suck at: 1- parental ratings, 2- anti-piracy.
great documentary. joey is such an eccentric rock star, dee dee is crazy, johnny sucks, the stupid republican and tommy is cool. i did not know that joey wrote kkk took my baby after johnny stole the love of his life. johnny is real kkk.
documentary by doug pray about scratch maniac djs. i don't want to disrespect dj's that work without mcs, but that music does not work for me. dj shadow is great though. and 'digging' records looks a like great ocd hobby.
schlondorff's mediocre film about the big strike in poland. i hated the acting and the looseness of the story. you would expect so much more from a guy who did lost honor of katharina blum.
a film by avant-garde director straub. yuck! what's the purpose of shooting a film if you only put images to the bach soundtrack? it was like watching an audio cd. i have no symptahy for this kind of bullshit cinema.
coppola's first film and was excellent. impossible not to fall in love with mickey rouke. he might have been one of the coolest characters in film history with the character here.