Sunday, October 23, 2005

vino tinto by estopa

Hay pistolas que descargadas se me disparan
Todos los relojes me separan
Y no me encuentro ya ni en la cama

Amapolas son los suspiros de tus escamas
Que son los tiros que dan al alma
Si quieres verme estoy en las ramas

Fíjate un objetivo distinto,
que soy como un vino tinto
Que si me tomas en frío engaño,
y con los años me hago más listo
Tómame calentito a tu ritmo,
que soy como un vino añejo
Hace ya tiempo me ando buscando,
Y no me encuentro ni en el espejo

Porque hoy hay olas
En este mar que tú ves en calma
Tú eres el pez que muerde mi cola
Yo soy un pájaro y tú las ramas

Si estamos a solas, tartatartamudeo y no son trolas
Yo nunca miento por la mañana,
ándate al loro a última hora
Yo no soy malo, aunque me esconda entre la maleza
A veces voy un poco del palo, tú eres mi puzzle,
Y yo soy un pieza

Pero tu cuerpo es un escándalo
Hay un demonio que siempre me dice pruébalo
Y un angelito que me dice quieto y reza
¿A quién le hago caso de los dos?

Fíjate un objetivo distinto, que soy como un vino tinto
Que si me tomas en frío engaño,
y con los años me hago más listo
Tómame calentito a tu ritmo,
que soy como un vino añejo
Hace ya tiempo me ando buscando,
Y no me encuentro ni en el espejo

Recapacita, no vayamos a perder la cabeza
Porque ésta es nuestra primera cita
Y yo ya llevo unas diez cervezas
No sé si me incitas o me incito yo por naturaleza
Niña lo que se da, no se quita
Y lo que te quitas, ahí se queda morena

Fíjate un objetivo distinto, que soy como un vino tinto
Que si me tomas en frío engaño,
y con los años me hago más listo
Tómame calentito a tu ritmo,
que soy como un vino añejo
Hace ya tiempo me ando buscando,
Y no me encuentro ni en el espejo

Saturday, October 22, 2005

the phantom of liberty

This film is incredible, my love for Bunuel is doubled, tripled, quadrupled...There is no linear narrative and the stories end at the point where they become really interesting. Everything is surreal and infinitely funny.
Sitting on toilet seats around the dining table and retiring to private rooms to eat, looking for the daughter who is lost but there, the pictures of monuments that shock the parents, four monks and a woman playing poker, a couple inviting them to witness their sado-masochistic show, etc.
Against all interpretation and meaning, this is surely a masterpiece of cinema.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

quick escape

my cover was blown for 3-4 hours. now i guess i'm safe. here.
welcome to the new spot.

A une passante

La rue assourdissante autour de moi hurlait.
Longue, mince, en grand deuil, douleur majestueuse,
Une femme passa, d'une main fastueuse
Soulevant, balançant le feston et l'ourlet ;

Agile et noble, avec sa jambe de statue.
Moi, je buvais, crispé comme un extravagant,
Dans son oeil, ciel livide où germe l'ouragan,
La douceur qui fascine et le plaisir qui tue.

Un éclair... puis la nuit ! - Fugitive beauté
Dont le regard m'a fait soudainement renaître,
Ne te verrai-je plus que dans l'éternité ?

Ailleurs, bien loin d'ici ! trop tard ! jamais peut-être !
Car j'ignore où tu fuis, tu ne sais où je vais,
Ô toi que j'eusse aimée, ô toi qui le savais !

Charles Baudelaire

Monday, October 17, 2005

following pictures are taken by elif during the first conference i presented a paper at. it was a literature and science conference organized by friends in english department.. i read my paper at the panel: art and its reproduction.
at first i was really nervous but i got over it. but i have to read slower next time.
also everyone told me i handled the questions very well and that is the most important part of presenting a paper.
my topic was of interestto many people since i dealt with issues like copyright, piracy, big companies protecting themselves etc.

sun shined on me!

some people intellectually masturbate and i hate that. why do you have to repeat what i've just said?

the same response bored me and annoyed me

chair of our panel, chantal, saying something interesting

trying to understand a question

close up

angela and me in benjamin panel

followingthe paper of angela, the other presenter in my panel.

reading my paper

Thursday, October 13, 2005

madame le president

last night i got the news that i was elected the gso president of our department. of course that initiated a lot of fooling around with gianluca and elif. in fact i gave a little speech about my plans and goals, asked for 5 dollars from everyone, cried for iraqi mothers and children and appointed giovanni marcello gianluca as the official cook.

(artwork belongs to elif.)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

launching an exhibition space

i invite you all to visit my pseudo exhibition space where i will be presenting my artworks.
these are some of the pieces i created as a therapy for my constant brain-paralyzing reading.
i don't expect to become famous but i expect to share the things i've spent my precious time on.
a word to you all: why not take advanatge of the new media and become artists? at least pseudo-ones?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

providence highlights

i was in providence for the rosh hashanah holiday and the first highlight of my trip was metric concert. this canadian band that i heard for the first time turned out to be really good at live performance but also really good in music. moreover the lead singer elaine haynes was beyond cool. i was jealous but that did not prevent me from admiring her even more. i'm sure they'll get big now that new yorker reporter who saw them live in bowery ballroom and who made arcade fire famous in usa is writing a review on their talents.

david lynch and transcendantal meditation

the second highligt of my trip was david lynch's talk on brown. the first 20 minute section was a q&a session. a funny guy asked him if he could explain mullholland drive. of course lynch laughed and said that he could not simplify his abstractions and ideas.
when asked if he ever compromised his ideas he answered with a definite no. "because if i compromise and the film turns out to be a failure that's a double death, but if i don't compromise and put myself out there as i want, then even if the film flops i still have that."

the next part of the talk was devoted to the transcendental meditation as a source of creativity and peace not only for he individual but also for the world. lynch is now the founder of an organization to spread the meditation, which he has been practicing for 33 years, to help the world peace. a nerologist and a renowned quantum physicist who were also founding members of the organization spoe about the mediatation. the neurologist even demonstrated the effects of meditation on brain live with a experienced meditator student.

well of course the scene in itself was very out of a lynch film. but it was pretty convincing. i really believe that meditation could change an individual, if not the world. once i learn how to practice it i will definitely start meditating. and they ket saying that trascendental meditation was really easy.

the really annoying moment of the conference was when at the end a student made his derridean commentary about this meditation. he said that although he liked lynch's films he didn't really like what went on there that day because lynch and the other professors used conservative terms like subjectivity, unification, transcending and stable individuality and seemed to prefer presence over absence, stability over difference etc. he spoke right out of a textbook and proved once again that artists are beyond and above theory.