fashion is
from the Futurist Manifesto of Women's Fashion
by Volt (Vincenzo Fani)
First published in Roma Futurista, 1920
Women’s fashion has always been more or less Futurist. Fashion: the female equivalent of Futurism. Speed, novelty, courage of creation. Greenish yellow bile of professors against Futurism, old bags against style. For the moment, they can rejoice! Fashion is going through a period of stagnation and boredom. Mediocrity and wretchedness weave grey spider webs upon the colored flowerbeds of fashion and art.

and ....
.... Italian Futurism will face unpopularity again with a programme for the total renewal of food and cooking.
.....Against pasta....
Manifesto of Futurist Cooking
FT Marinetti
First published in Gazzetta del Popolo (Turin), 28 December 1930